Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Neely Style

10. Design changes.
Obviously our house changed a lot this year.
I wish I could put up pics of all the changes but 2 months of work is hard to put up on a blog.
I love decorating for Christmas.
Some of it's tradition.
Some of it's the beginning of an amazing season.
Some of it's loving the look of a decorated house.
Here are a couple of changes, unfortunately none of them are actually of the new addition. We will try to take some pics soon.

You can see the new front porch thingy (technical term) missing in this older pic. Amazingly we have two pics in the snow. We think it breaks up the long roof.
Here is our front room.
New way, not the greatest pic. The best addition to this room which you can't really see is that there are now 4 stockings because of the addition of Annie.

Old Way

*Random update on kids. Annie has moved up to the duck bathtub, I think Davis is excited for her. She is also getting more and more mobile. Davis is singing alot these days, Katie is seeing how many Christmas songs she can teach him. We also went and got sushi with Muma and papa tonight and Davis had some. I love that he still want to eat anything we give him.

Ho Ho Ho

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