Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Neely Style

For the next 12 days we will count down our 12 days of Christmas.
I'm sure that you are as excited as when you were a child and had a paper chain where you would tear off one piece a day!


Pairs of matching pajamas.

For my entire life we have received one present on Christmas eve from my parents.
Every year I would get excited thinking...This is the year they surprise us. This is the year I get a transformer village! This is the year there will be an Xbox...This is the year!
Instead... every year it was a new pair of pajamas.
This is now one of our favorite traditions.

Yes, you read that correctly, NOW, we still receive pajamas every Christmas eve.

We all get matching pajamas.
Girls get a set, guys get a set.
Even the year we spent Christmas in Australia, Mom smuggled some pajamas in the country and surprised us in the hotel.
This is sort of like initiation into our family for spouses. Katie and Chris can tell you about the enjoyment of this event. We have told Kristin on multiple occasions that this, the night the pjs are unveiled, will be the ultimate test for her future husband.
I have plenty of pics that could shut down the internet.
Demetria and Kristin would probably disown me if I put them on here, thus, the generic pics of pjs.
But it does make sense, if you start looking back at your Christmas pics there are some bizarre pictures.
The year Timmy came out in only his briefs, the year you wore underwear with a hole in it, the Christmas your older brother decided to go shirt less, your mom in your dads sweatpants...

Not the Neelys. Every year we all have matching pjs on in our Christmas pictures.
I'll be sure to post a pic of the pjs we get this year (with everyones permission of course).

So 12 pair of pajamas.
I am willing to bet that I have more pairs of flannel pjs than Sears.

*Note- these 12 days do not have to be exact... For example, I don't have exactly 12 pair of pjs, this is really just a Christmas countdown.

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