Saturday, November 17, 2007

Teddy Bear U

So today, Saturday the 17th of November, was devoted to Teddy Bear University. From 9am till 5pm Katie and I were in a class with 14 other couples at Parkwest hospital on being pregant, hopital terminolgy and procedure, etc... We found out about contractions and when to come to the hospital. We found out about different types of labor, how to change diapers, take care of the umbilical cord, and the list goes on.
It was pretty interesting overall and I am glad we enrolled and took part. We had videos, handouts, questions and lecture. Katie's favorite part was finding out about the pain meds and mine was playing with the baby doll all day.
Katie says, " I can't wait to swadel and bathe Davis at 2:30 in the morning!"
The one complaint I had...they thought it was appropriate to show a birthing and then dismiss to lunch--sort of ruined Jason's Deli.
Feel like we are getting closer and closer!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Around the House

So everyone keeps telling us that if we have any projects to do around the house to do them before Davis comes. So today I tried to knock one off of the list. Our driveway was in pretty serious need of resurfacing (it could probably be recapped, but for now resurfacing will do). So on this beautiful Saturday I resealed the driveway. Hopefully the little guy will like it when he falls and skins his knee in a couple of years!


More pics

So there you go.
We've got a bunch of showers planned starting in December, Katie has started going to the doctor every two weeks now, and in less than 12 weeks we will have a child.


heading into this holiday season there is too much to be thankful for.