Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't want to say told you so...

If you remember I did a post about Lane Kiffin a few months ago.
Here is an excerpt from that post:
How quickly will these same people turn on Lane? His first loss, his first major mistake in play calling? When we haven't "won it all" after so many years?
The reason we will eventually turn on Lane is simple. Lane Kiffin will NOT satisfy. As much as we would like for him too, he won't. He can't.
Lane Kiffin is a miserable Savior.
Lane Kiffin is not meant to be a savior.

One year.
That's the answer to the question, How quickly will these same people turn on Lane... one year.
A few months ago he was being praised, now his facebook "fan" page is flooded with comments about what a miserable person he is, where he can spend eternity, hopes that he never wins a game again, and plenty of other comments that I am sure you can imagine.
Some might say, "Yeah, but he betrayed us!" "He's a sellout." etc...
No, he's a football coach.
He took a job.
He showed us his life is not consumed with orange and white.
Ultimately what frustrates us about this is that he is showing us that he doesn't love something as much as we do.

You know what I hope we may learn from this...that everyone's life does not revolve around one football team, even coaches, even Lane Kiffin's.
He's a human.
He is guaranteed to fail, so am I.
Mission accomplished.

"I will never leave you or forsake you." Heb 13:5, Deut. 31:6

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