Thursday, August 6, 2009


Twitter is down this morning. For hours it has been down. No service. I just sat thru the longest meeting without twitter. Couldn't check on the outside world. No idea which friend was drinking coffee, which friend just woke up, no clue if an acquaintance had stubbed their toe, no info on who was reading a book they really liked... I had to sit through this meeting all by myself (and the people who were actually physically sitting in the room.)
Many people hate on twitter. "I don't get it?" "Why does the world need to know what I'm doing" "Its so self centered"" I don't have a smart phone so it doesn't make sense" etc...
I get those excuses, but they sound a lot like my grandfather did when cell phones first came out. Who needs a cellphone anyway?

Times do change.

But today without twitter I thought, what kind of world are my kids growing up in? What will they consider normative that I don't even know about yet. Examples for my generation would be cell phones, DVR, texting, laptops- things that are completely normal in my every day life ( i know that many of these are luxuries and are in no way normative for most of the world, but this IS the world we- the Neely family, live in), but my parents and grandparents couldn't have imagined when they were my age.
What will Davis update every day, how will Annie communicate with her friends.
I don't know, but I'm hoping that I invent it.

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