Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Boy

So clearly finding out we were having a boy completely distracted us from the blog! I mean it's been a month for crying out loud. Much has taken place, Katie continues to "show", John came and knocked out the bead board in 3 hours (some call him Superman), i painted the beadboard, got a crib and changing table, completely unrelated we went to Bermuda, Katie's been back to the doctor and all seems well.
Only 16 more weeks! Are you kidding.
So here are some pics for those of you that can't swing by and see. Baby Davis is getting ready. It's neat to have an actual bed to pray over that he might be safe, sleep well, etc... Katie and I were in there the other day and there is a cross over the bed that mom gave us that simply says, Jesus Loves me. What more could we really pray that than, may Davis KNOW that Jesus Loves Him.

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