Monday, October 29, 2007

26 Weeks

Wow. 26 weeks down. and only 14 to go. what does that mean? it means katie and i should nap all we can in the next 14 weeks.
here's a little info on little davis.
this week he probably weighs in at close to 2 pounds. but he will begin to plump up quickly now- the main reason for the baby fat is to adjust to the temperature difference once he is born. the nerves in his ear continue to develop more rapidly now, so he can respond more and more to sound- so you had better believe i'm going to be talking, singing like crazy, and of course telling some hysterical jokes.
katie's back is a little sore, but that just means her hormones are kicking in to losen up her joints and ligaments.

(i put this picture- because who doesn't love Dwight! Baby Einstein, the wiggles, heck no! Davis will be learning from the Office)

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