Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Today we had another doctors appointment and everything is going well. The craziest thing for me was that Katie LOST a pound?!?!? We think it was all the walking I made her do on the frisbee golf course at Windy Gap.
But the nurse said everything looked good and SOUNDED good! We are able to hear the heartbeat for the first time today and it was truly amazing. The little heart was beating 3x as fast as Katie's. At first the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat because the little one was moving around so much. She said it was hard to find something that moves so much that is the size of a big peanut!
So all seems well- moving around and a good heartbeat! Please pray for the continued healthy development of the vital organs. Hearing that heart today amazed me that something so small, yet so miraculous, was developing within Katie. Surely we can't take this for granted!

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