Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Down w/ Baseball!

Don't worry- I am not trying to take down America's past time, just taking down some Awesome border!!! As you can see, when we moved into our house we had an extra bedroom which we had left empty. We hoped one day it would be for a child so we did nothing to it. Well now we know a child will soon be in it, so Down the the fabulous baseball border!! I must admit I had nothing to do with this- this was all the doing of Ed and Paulette, and of course Allie.

Thanks to an amazing tool that scores the wallpaper, some hot water,mom and dad's fingers, and downy fabric softner- we now have a clean slate to work with. All the frogs, princesses, clouds, racecars our hearts can dream of!!

I personally hope that we/Katie decides that a fun baseball border would go great in the room! That's funny! I hear baseball borders are the rage in Pottery Barn Kids. As the paper was coming down and Allie was walking around confused like,"What's happening?" I said, "Allie, you have no idea how your world is about to change!"
I guess none of us do- but what a treat. Even as we were in the room yesterday I found myself shooting up little prayers. Pray that the room would be a place where the child feels comfortable, that we can create a place that is more than a place to live-but a place they feel at home, a room that is prayed over for safety, a healthy place, etc... So the first change has taken place- wonder how many more are to come?!

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