Sorry for the lack of updates.
THings have been very good it just seems like time to sit down and blog has not been on the top of my priority list recently.
This has been one of those seasons where time seems to slip away.
I don't want to say "busy" I am really starting to believe that "busy" is copout. We are all given the same amount of time, it's just being a good steward of that time that has been the problem!
Birthday parties, college retreat, small groups, meetings, book clubs, doctor appointments, Olympics...some call it life.
Thanks for continuing to check.
5 things that have surprised me recently:
1. Annie's beautiful eyes, i know she gets them from her mom, but come on.
2. Davis' smarts. Not sure where to attribute this, but he is a smart little cracker.
3. Our patience. Davis is definitely pressing the limits as he gets older, but I am so thankful to watch Katie and occasionally myself, parent him and watching him "Get it."
4. Finding out people don't watch the Olympics!! What? Why would you not watch the Olympics? I normally don't watch MSNBC or CNBC (i'm more of FOX guy), but i've sought out the olympics at any chance i am given.
5. Shaun White.