Thursday, October 30, 2008

9 months

Its hard to believe. But today Davis is 9 months old! 3/4 of a year. When we stop to think back over everything he has done and how he has changed it already seems like a lifetime, but then it has also flown by. (i'm sure grandparents right now are thinking- "just wait, one day you'll blink and your kids will be having kids")
He's doing great. He is such a joy and we are so thankful for Davis. 
Katie thinks he gets cuter everyday, to which I simply respond- Like father like son :)
Just think, when Davis is twice this old, 18 months, he'll have a sibling! Hard to believe, but so exciting. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

pumpkins are good for you

Katie, Davis, Emily, Christian, Neyland, and the McCays went to the pumpkin patch on Thursday. Beautiful day for it and beautiful pics. They packed some PB&J's and enjoyed a picnic lunch. They got to all jump on a hayride and then each pick their favorite pumpkin!  Fun was had by all.

Just a few more.

And i know most of you are tuning in to really see how BabyFat Challenge! What a suprise.

Down 1.5 for the week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Doc Visit

I just went back and looked at some really old posts.
When "Davis" was almost 10 weeks along, we were at Windy Gap last summer still trying to comprehend the fact that we were pregnant.
Now we have Davis, who will be 9 months next week, and we are 25% of the way to another little kid.
Katie had a big doctors visit today where they do tests, take blood, vital signs, etc... Everything looks goods.
I am so glad my job allows me to go on these doctor visits. Nothing against dads who can't, I'm just glad I can.

Keep on rocking in the free world.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What a find

We got Davis a little hat and some gloves since it is getting colder outside- love that fall weather.

Well Katie put it on him and we took some pics thinking it would be so cute. Instead, with his dirty face and bid on it looks like we found a baby at the salvation army.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 1

So here I am checking in for the whole world to see.
First week is down. The easy part.
I set a goal of 30lbs. Which averages out to right out a pound a week until little baby is born.
I'm hoping a slow and steady, 1lb a week, might help this be more permanent.

This week i went down 2.5lbs. Love that water weight.
How are you doing?
On to the weekend.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not Davis

I put this pic on the college blog for Fellowship and thought I would share it with you all as well.

Feel free to add you own caption...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We are back from Destin and had a very relaxing weekend away.
But it was very good to return home and see davis.

We tried to sleep in at the beach but never really could, of course we return today and are both very sleepy and wanted to sleep in but he was up and at em like normal.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Challenge...

So today starts a new challenge for me...

For the next 31.5 weeks Katie will slowly be adding weight because of the new baby!
My challenge- as she is adding weight, I subtract weight.

Feel free to join me.
My suggestions
1. have a measurable goal
2. tell some folks.
3. jump on it.

So every Friday from now until the baby is born (may be some exceptions with holidays, etc...) I will post the BabyFat Challenge and keep you up to date with how I am doing.
You have until Friday (10/17) to come up with your goal and at that point i'll tell you mine and tell you how these first 5 days went.

Seacrest Out.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Its theres two

We are so excited to say that the name "babyneely" is still appropriate. Many have said we should change it to neely family, or davis neely, but once again the blog can be called baby neely.
At first we were shocked but now we are so excited that we have another little one on the way. May 20th is the due date. Davis and his sibling will be 16 months apart.
So be prepared for some updates on how to pray for us, davis, health, development, etc...

I will try to get another ticker at the top.

Here we go again.
literally- thank god.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Allie's Friend

Our neighbors got a boxer two weeks ago and they brought Ryder over to play on Tuesday.
It is always so funny to see Allie try to figure out what to do with the little puppies.
Hopefully they'll be friends.
The good news is our backyards don't actually touch, our driveway is between them, so they won't be playing together all the time.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

big week

big week at the neely household, Katie and I are going away for 4 days and leaving Davis in Knoxville.
I am doing a wedding in Destin and just didn't think that would be the wisest thing to bring Davis. So muma and poppa will me keeping the big guy for a long weekend.
Fun times.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So here is a little something for all to enjoy.

JC is 1977

Katie in 1990

Davis back in the day.... I swear there is a picture of Ed Neely that resembles this ALOT.

Have a good weekend.