Friday, July 6, 2007

Double Digits

Well we've reached double digits- 10 weeks. The doctors told us no one really uses the whole "9 month" thing anymore, it's all about the weeks. 40 weeks is what they say is the average pregnancy, so we are 25% there, a quarter of the way, just 3x more, getting closer every day!

At 10 weeks the beginning of all the vital organs have begun and fully seperated fingers and toes have formed- WOW. Are you ready for this-- this week almost 250,000 new neurons are being produced in his or her brain every minute, that my friends is a miracle. Please continue to pray for healthy development of all the vital organs.

I have had the priviledge of being at Windy Gap for the last 10 days with Katie and "baby" is on the brain. There are two other ladies who are pregnant and 3 babies under the age of 2. It is exciting to hold the babies and know shortly we will have one of our own.

Katie finds herself very tired at times because of her job and because of the pregnancy so please continue to pray that her next two weeks would be as easy on her as they can be. Fortunately she is surrounded by an amazing team who are very supportive of her. Her team is doing an fantastic job of showing and telling high school students the unbelievable story of Jesus, I am so thankful to be a part of something like this! So there you go! A little update-

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